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Aberdeenshire Landlord Forums

20 June @ 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Landlords, join us for a free and informative afternoon or evening with SafeDeposits Scotland and Aberdeenshire Council.

Note: there will be two sessions. The first is at 2-4pm, the second is at 6-8pm.

Topics covered will include understanding the importance of inventories, an update on the private sector housing landscape, and tenement maintenance and repair management.

Find out more and register on Eventbrite


20 June
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm


Garioch Heritage Centre
Loco Works Road
Inverurie, AB51 4FY

Ask for help from our team of tenement experts

Managing and maintaining a tenement building can be difficult. Under One Roof offers a free enquiry service that allows you to ask specific questions relating to your building.

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Mid ceiling

Below ground level

Your tenement may have a basement, sometimes used for living accommodation or sometimes used for storage, cellars or wash-houses. These buildings will often also have a 'dunny' between the basement…

905 800 Under One Roof

Energy efficiency improvements

Adding insulation and draught-proofing can save money and the planet but in…

2560 1707 Under One Roof

Insulating traditional solid walls

Recent research suggests that traditional solid stone or brick walls provide better…

2560 1707 Under One Roof

Flat roofs

Flat roofs can be found on buildings of all ages. They can…

406 305 Under One Roof

Asphalt flat roofs

On stone tenements, asphalt roofs are found on: 'high backs' - raised backcourt…

406 305 Under One Roof
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