The energy-efficient improvements you can make today

Did you know there are some energy-efficient improvements you can make to ensure your flat stays warm over winter? Take a look at our information to see what changes you can make today. 

You may be looking into performing energy-efficient improvements to your full tenement block, such as insulating your walls or fixing a cold and leaky roof. These are great energy efficient improvements, however, they may take some time to organise and complete. Did you know there are some energy efficient improvements you can make today to make sure your flat stays warm over winter? Take a look at our information to see what changes you can make today. 

As we noted in our last newsletter, going on a draught hunt is a great way to make sure your home is free of cold air over winter. Draughts can appear when seals at doors or windows are damaged or could be a sign of a chimney that needs some TLC.

Start by making a list of anywhere you think a draught could be sneaking into your flat. We recommend checking the windows, doors, skirting, and the chimney. Take a note of any draughts you find and consult a professional if you are unsure, or think the draught may be caused by a larger problem. If you know the problem can be fixed with a simple bit of DIY, have a look for a repair shop that can take you through what you might need. If it's a draughty window, you can purchase draught-proof curtains that can help keep the cold at bay.

You can also look at forming an owners' association if one does not already exist in your building. Forming an owners' association can make it easier to vote on maintenance work in your building and provide an easier way to communicate with your neighbours. Performing regular maintenance on your tenement building can save on larger repair bills in the future, and make sure key areas such as the roof, external walls, and the foundations are in good repair. You can also vote to make energy-efficient improvements across the building to collectively save on energy bills.

Making your tenement building more sustainable may seem like a large task, however, by breaking it down into smaller jobs and working together with your co-owners, you may find that a sustainable tenement is possible. Take a look at our website for more information about making energy efficient improvements, forming an owners' association, or contact us at if you have any questions.